7 Steps to Stop Self Criticism And Change Your Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones.

Tonia Winchester Coaching

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Are you sick of that mean voice inside your head that’s constantly judging and criticizing you?

You might know, as science is showing more and more, how our thoughts have the power to either harm or heal us. If you’re worried that your negative mind chatter will never end, then worry no more!

In Thinking Kindly: 7 Steps to Stop Self-Criticism and Change Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones, experienced naturopathic doctor, Dr. Tonia Winchester, shares her simple system to notice negative thoughts, abolish self-judgement, swiftly shift your thinking, and coach yourself into new positive patterns of kind, happy, helpful thoughts.

Master how to stop bad mouthing yourself, and discover the beauty and healing that emerges when you accept - and even LOVE - yourself. The result? A healthier you who is also kinder to the people you care about most.

Imagine if you consistently felt compassionate, curious, and confident? What would change in your life as a result? What would be better?

Listen to the introduction of the book here:

Hey! I'm Dr. Tonia Winchester.

For almost 2 decades I have been helping 1000s of people to change their minds, so that their bodies and relationships heal and repair. In Thinking Kindly you'll access the streamlined, simple formula, developed through my years curating insights and learnings with my patients and clients. If you want to be more loving and present with yourself and others, then claim the benefits that come when you quiet your inner critic and start thinking kindly, now!

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In this book you’ll learn a specific technique to help you to shift the state of your nervous system, so that changing your thoughts is an option for you. You’ll learn about it in Chapter 8; it’s STEP 4 of the Thought Switch. It’s easy to learn and do, and also at the beginning it’s nice to be guided through it. This audio will do just that. Practice along with me so that this process is second nature and you can pull it out of your back pocket whenever you need to.



The steps in this book are easy to learn, practice, and master, and when you do, you’ll easily become your own cheerleader, especially when you download this cheat sheet. You’ll have all the steps laid out, simply, on one single page, and also get a wallet size version so you can carry it everywhere you go and refer to it whenever you need to.



At times in this book I’ll be asking you questions. You can answer those questions in your favorite journal, or right here in this mini journal / workbook. You’ll find all the helpful questions there as well as space to write and imagine. Included in this workbook are all the templates for each of the 7 steps in the Thought Switch process.



Visual reminders are helpful when we’re trying to learn new things, so enjoy these phone wallpapers for your home and/or lock screen on your phone. Let your conscious and unconscious minds see it every time you pick up your phone, which we both know is more than one to two times per day, right?



AND! Because you're super awesome, when it's ready I'll also send you a narrated version of the book so you can listen on the go... anywhere... anytime... on any device! DUE OUT FALL 2024. You'll be notified as soon as it's ready.


I am thinking about myself in different ways.

“The stories in this book are so relatable and make the concepts easy to understand. I found the strategies helpful to explore the root causes of my behaviors and personal conflicts. Since reading the book, I am thinking about myself in different ways and being curious about my internal self-talk. I recommend this book to anyone experiencing negative self-talk, and wanting to understand themselves better or make positive changes in their lives.”

- Linda Higgins

Seriously, every person on the planet needs to read this book!

“I loved everything about this book. Seriously, every person on the planet needs to read this book AND practice these beautifully simple steps. After practicing the ‘Thought Switch’ I felt lighter, happier with more energy in my body. Not only will this book help people with anxiety and negative thinking, but I know it will also filter into those important relationships we have in our lives like with our partners or parents. This should be mandatory reading. I’m ordering many copies!”

- Dr. Toni Reid

New tools and ideas are always helpful!

“I am all over anything that can help people get unstuck from their ruts and empower themselves to make better choices in thought. I’m always working on this myself and it can be tough, so new tools and ideas are always helpful. The real-life examples in this book will really help anyone with a lot of stress and anxiety to reframe their negative language.”

- Naomi

A delightfully motivating and accessible guide to the game-changing art of reframing thoughts!

"Loved the real life stories on the power of changing thoughts on a level not only on the mind, but on a level that penetrates the entire body with healing tears. This book offers a playful, motivating and accessible account on how to reframe thoughts that we often aren’t even aware of and why choosing thoughts in the most subtle moments is game changing. A breezy and delightful read, alongside being highly practical and tactical." -Rhiah Kujat

It helped me when I really needed it.

I was introduced to this book through a mastermind of sorts and it helped me when I really needed it. I had just come through a period of illness, isolation and some other challenges. And I found myself not speaking so kindly to and about myself. I picked up the book and was immediately drawn in by the simple language. It's a very easy read and I'd get in a few pages before starting my day. Throughout the day I found myself using some of the techniques shared to reshape my thinking. The process/technique is called thought switch. I'm learning to give myself grace as I went through a lot and I'm so glad I have started to apply the learnings from the book because I feel better. I am better. - Elisha L.

I'm transforming behaviors and acting more kindly!

“This is a very powerful book which made me aware of many of the ways I currently think and talk to myself. I was surprised when I realized I have a habit of saying, “That was stupid!” to myself when I make a mistake. Thankfully, the process laid out in this book, which starts with noticing, is helping me transform those behaviors and act more kindly. Dr. Tonia kept me engaged with honest, insightful, and even humorous stories which helped me relate to and understand the 7 steps she teaches. The wholistic journey of starting where you are and moving through to positive change makes so much sense, and now I totally get the neurological shift that has to occur to Think Kindly about myself, versus just telling myself to ‘think positively.’ I know several people who are trying to do it all and put on a brave face, but they are struggling with being perfect in every aspect of their lives at the risk of their own happiness - those people pleasers and compulsive givers would benefit from this book. For such a short book, it creates a clear outline of how to move forward. This book is easy to read and to understand, and should the reader need more clarification, it is nice to know Dr. Tonia is available to take those deeper steps with the reader on a professional level.” - Lisa Avery




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Stop negative, unhelpful thoughts from keeping you up at night!

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I help People release the painful imprint, Shift Their Perspectives, Create Healthy Habits, So they Can Enjoy exceptional lives!

My clients are people stuck in their health or lives with burnout, insomnia, anxiety, or stress. After working with me they can calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy again - all with out talk therapy or medications.

About Dr. Tonia

As a naturopathic doctor since 2007, Tonia is fascinated by the place in our psyche where we decide to take care of ourselves, each and every day.

Now, as a mind-body healing coach, she helps people struggling with stress, anxiety, or burnout to calm their minds, sleep deeply and find joy and energy so that they can create exceptional lives for themselves, their families and communities.

Her first book: Break Through The Insomnia Cycle is available here.

She guides her clients through a "Breakthrough" process where they easily and gently clear the past, and recode their unconscious minds so that they are primed to make and sustain positive changes in how they take care of themselves.

The results are a strengthened connection to self - more self-love, worth, and value, ultimately allowing them to build happy, meaningful relationships and compelling futures.

Tonia has been featured on CTV, the Costco Connection, The Elephant Journal, Conscious Nutrition, The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast, the Better Sex Podcast, Creative Conversations, and the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast. She was an executive contributor at Brainz Magazine writing monthly articles.

When she's not transforming lives she is getting lost (and found) in the forest, salsa dancing, and turning paper into pretty things.


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