Than Talk Therapy and Medications.
Let me share my story of how I started waking up rested, excited about the day, with a heart full of peace, and a body full of ease so that you can too!
Because of the relentless cycle of restless nights, daytime exhaustion, and tanked stress tolerance… the idea of a sweet thought was sour.
I didn’t… couldn’t be considerate, patient, gentle… Not with myself. Not with my precious people who were tip toeing around me on shattered hearts.
The truth is I was lost, far from myself. And I was losing the people and things that mattered most to me: my health and my relationships.
The strangest thing was, all I wanted to do was connect but I didn’t have any reserves left to engage with the people I cared about in a meaningful way.
I enjoy 7-8 hour uninterrupted sleeps, wake with energy to spare, and feel calm inside.
I stopped overthinking, and no longer have the need for words like overwhelm and frustrated in my day to day life.
I don’t dwell on the past and don’t get worried about the future.
I’m kind again, both to myself and others.
I listen with curiosity, compassion, and patience.
I take exceptional care of myself, finally able to do all.the. things that I wanted to do to nurture myself like eating well, and moving my body in a way that’s fun and engaging.
Before I just couldn’t or wouldn’t do any of those things and now I can and do, easily and effortlessly.
My habits are different. Better. Incredibly Consistent.
My thoughts are different. Kinder. Stronger. Resourceful. Resilient.
My feelings are different. Happier. Easier. Gentler.
My body is different. Leaner. Calmer. More vitalized.
Because I did that... all the day time struggle melted away.
Like most of my clients, you might be locked in what I Call the "Insomnia Cycle":
It all starts with day to day stress
which ramps up to anxiety
causing night time restlessness or insomnia
leading to daytime fatigue
reduced stress tolerance
and ultimately... you guessed it... more stress.
Miraculously... You're both TIRED and WIRED at the same time. Seriously though, like whaa?
And around and around it goes... because most people focus on the wrong things to break through insomnia.
They try and focus on:
Spending hard earned dollars and precious, non-renewable time on weekly therapy appointments, only to be so triggered emotionally that it takes a week (or more) to recover.
Tell their stress story over and over again, reliving their past thinking they just need to talk it out.
Wait endlessly for their "medications to kick in," relying (often for life) on mind-numbing chemicals that barely budge the needle.
All noble and logical ideas... but if they worked...
wouldn't everyone who tried them
be free from their anxiety and stress?
Restoring Your Sleep Starts By
Considering Things Differently.
🛑Stop for a moment and think about it.🛑
When you sleep deeply, you wake rested, restored, and energized for the day.
This means that you spend your day with out that dragging feeling of fatigue, where all you want to do is veg out with Netflix and your favourite flavor of Doritos. Or your box of wine. Hey, no judgement. 🙋♀️Been there.
And with out that baseline exhaustion looming over you you have more tolerance for stress, and the niggly or biggly things that would normally trigger you to spiral into maxed out anxiety, seem to pass you by with out a flutter of agitation.
With out that activation in your precious nervous system, by the time sleep comes around, you've put your worries put to bed, and...
Now, you're ready - neurologically
For a deep, rejuvenating sleep. Again.
Obviously I'm not the first person to say this.
Here's a screen shot of a small handful of the 17,000+ studies all confirming the same thing.
I know you don't need studies to know this to be true, because you're already living it, aren't you?
You wouldn't be here if you weren't already searching for a way out of this insomnia cycle, right?
On this page, I'd like to show you how SLEEP is the KEY to break through this cycle once and for all...
...and how once you have this key dialed in, you can...
Enjoy Happy, Energized Days.
the book on this page will show you how.
and don't worry, it's a lot easier than you might think.
Because I wrote it with you in mind.
It's called Break Through The Insomnia Cycle; How to Sleep Deeply, Wake Rested, and Enjoy Happy, Energized Days.
It’s a method to help anyone who is busy, overworked, overwhelmed and underwhelmed (yes, often at the same time) to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy in their lives.
I'd like you to have it. It’s only $9.99 CAD.
I know you’re having a hard time believing that small amount of money can change your life, and I get that. I created it as a first step… the rest of the steps I’d like to take with you together.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves.
Break Through The Insomnia Cycle is helpful book that shows people exactly what to do (and not do) to bring back the good life vibes on the regular.
Ultimately it’s not about sleep. I mean... I'm sure we can all agree that’s awesome.
But it's what sleep gets us that matters. Calm minds, peaceful hearts, energized bodies.
Kinder thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors - both to ourselves and others.
Deepened relationships. More motivation. Success. Resilience.
Sleeping restfully is a marker of massive change one that ripples outwards in someone’s day affecting all the people they interact with. That's what I get excited about.
Imagine a person who sleeps well... and picture what that means about their day ahead.
That’s right. Likely it means things are pretty darn good… for that person, their family, and the people around them.
But it does work, and not just for me!
Please don't take my word for it.
Stress and anxiety affect not only our health but the relationships that are important to us and the impact we want to have in the world...
Most people don’t realize why they’re stressed out, burned out, riddled with anxiety, and unsatisfied in their lives. Until we know why and what purpose is being met, we'll never be able to break through to the other side where joy, peace, and energy live...
Knowing the root cause of those patterns, and having the tools to change them is the path to healthy habits, which is the path to health in all areas of our lives...
Health isn’t something we do just for the sake of it, it’s a vehicle to drive us to the things in life that light us up. If we don’t have our health, we don’t have anywhere to live...
Health requires good consistent habits and when those habits are hard, most people don’t understand why it’s hard to change, and what’s actually keeping them stuck in those old automatic, unproductive, and sometimes even harmful patterns. Talking about this with a counsellor is not going to give us what we need to create new habits. I mean if it did, this struggle wouldn't be a problem any more, would it?...
We need to change how our minds sees our past, your present, and the world around us, including the people in it. Meds won’t do this either. We don’t need to numb, we need to get conscious. What if there was a new approach to wellness, one that starts with the internal circuitry of the mind, and ripples outwards to our mental, emotional, physical, and social well being?...
Well, good news. There is, and it’s all laid out in this book which I wrote because I have a deep desire (who’s kidding who, mission) to help people get healthy, happy and doing what they love because I believe that healthy, happy, people doing what they love contribute to a more peaceful world...
This is about creating exceptional lives for ourselves, our families, and our communities. And heck…why not… the world at large.
And because having more humans that fit the above description seems important for the world right now, I’ve compiled a method that allows people to break through insomnia easily and effortlessly.
I reveal the full approach in the Break Through The Insomnia Cycle book, and it doesn’t have to be hard or take a long time to overcome these struggles. It’s swift, simple, and strain-free.
Get support the entire way. This companion guide will facilitate the journey deeper into the concepts of the book with transformative, self-reflective questions. There's lots of space to journal thoughts, responses, and brilliant ideas, all in one place.
It’s like a virtual note of encouragement and pat on the back (or hug) all at once.
This will jump start the transformation to break through the insomnia cycle.
** Please note... the original version of this book was called Smiling in the Shower, and this companion guide still goes perfectly along side Break Through The Insomnia Cycle.
This simple self-accountability checklist will keeps people on track, so they stay aligned to their goals, looking ahead at the right benchmarks. And also connecting people to their present thoughts and feelings, and resources.
They feel unstoppable.. and you can too, can't you?
Prefer to read by listening?
I love that too! Order now and I’ll include the audiobook version of Break Through The Insomnia Cycle for free.
Get all the goodness in the book while soccer momming, dropping the kids off at dance, folding the laundry (again) and out for an escape (I mean nature) walk.
Listen on any device and download instructions are included.
I was talking to "Customers" in my sleep, this book helped me understand why.
This book is helpful for anyone struggling with sleep issues.
Dr. Tonia gave some really practical tips on improving the quality of my sleep.
Since I run a business I tend to have trouble unwinding and I've been told by my partner I tend to talk to "customers" out loud while I sleep lol.
It's kind of cool because her advice covers both the physical parts of sleep, but also thinking about it from an emotions and mental perspective as well
Since I used to think all I had to do to sleep better was just to watch TV and sort of "Vege" before sleep. - Bryce Tubbs
Clear, simple, doable and immediate results
This book is simple, no fluff and delivers actual results. Walks you step by step and gave me tools I could implement immediately. Dr. Tonia is the real deal, this book is well worth the time to read. - Rachel Duffy
Helped me relax!!
I loved this book!! It helped me find ways to relax and fall asleep peacefully! Dr Tonia gives so many useful ideas to help me deal with the past and concentrate on the present. I have a very positive outlook now! My friends have noticed a change in me and didn’t know what it was! It was this book! I highly recommen it!
I feel better and calmer just having read your book, Tonia! - Ed
If you struggle with anxiety and insomnia this book is for you!
Dr Tonia gives a clear guide on how to turn stress and burnout to calmness and clarity so you can enjoy life again. This easy to read book is full of helpful information. Her passion for her work and helping others heal shines through.
Amazing and Powerful Book
"Break Through The Insomnia Cycle" by Dr. Tonia Winchester ND is an excellent book that provides a new, comprehensive understanding of the mind-body reasons for insomnia and anxiety. I like this book and recommend it because:
• Clear and concise writing: The author has done an excellent job of explaining complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Her writing is also very conversational and easy to understand . I felt like I was sitting on a couch with her.
• In-depth coverage of the topic: The book covers a wide range of topics related to insomnia and anxiety, including the mind-body connection, and how we can use the healing power of our own minds to put these problems behind us.
• Practical advice: The book is full of practical advice that readers can use to improve their sleep and reduce anxiety. The author shares the most important things to focus on to restore deep and healthy sleeps.
• Real-life examples: The author uses real-life examples to illustrate her points, which makes the book more relatable and engaging. Readers can see how the concepts discussed in the book apply to their own lives.
Overall, "Break Through The Insomnia Cycle" is an excellent resource for anyone who struggles with insomnia or anxiety. The book provides a novel, practical and holistic approach to improving sleep and reducing anxiety. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to improve their sleep and reduce anxiety in a natural and healthy way. - Jessa Zimmerman
I loved how relatable it was, like I was sitting down with a friend that has a lot of sage advice and wisdom to share.
There’s so much in those 90 pages - and it’s realistic but not from a doom and gloom perspective. It’s very encouraging. Having been through the breakthrough process as one of Tonia’s clients, it was neat to be able to read about it, reminding myself of all the great work we did, and why we did all the different steps.
I was reviewing my year and I was blown away by how many amazing things were all crammed into the last year and it all started with the breakthrough. So much success and awesomeness! I know this book will help people, and show them that going through a break through with you is an incredible experience that no one should miss out on. - Sophia F.
The gratitude I have for Tonia and her teachings is hard to even express.
I also know that if you take this book as seriously as I did, things will never be the same. I'm so glad I chose to step out. What other choice did I have? Keep suffering? I was done, but didn't know how to get out of the spiral I was in. I was doing my best but kept burning out and repeating the same patterns over and over.
There is an old proverb that says “Maybe the journey isn't about becoming anything, but about unbecoming everything we are not so we can be all we were created to be in the first place.”
This book and Tonia’s support has helped me do that, and from my heart to yours I hope you find what you're looking for too. - Shanda Wright
Break Through The Insomnia Cycle Now
Bonus #1 - Smiling in the Shower Companion Guide
Bonus #2 - Three Pillars of Change Tracking Sheets
Bonus #3 - Narrated Audio Book
See you there, friend!
(Not in the shower… that’d be a bit weird).
Coach Tonia “One Smile at a Time” Winchester
P.S. Here’s a review of everything on this page (😉 all good sweets, I’m a scroller too)...
As a naturopathic doctor for over 15 years, Tonia is fascinated by the place in our psyche where we decide to take care of ourselves, each and every day.
Now, as a Master Neurolinguistics Programming Practitioner (aka a mind-body healing coach), she helps people struggling with stress, anxiety, or insomnia to calm their minds, sleep deeply and find joy and energy so that they can create exceptional lives for themselves, their families and communities.
She guides her clients through a "Breakthrough" process where they easily and gently clear the past, and recode their unconscious minds so that they are primed to make and sustain positive changes in how they take care of themselves.
The results are a strengthened connection to self - more self-love, worth, and value, ultimately allowing them to build happy, meaningful relationships and compelling futures.
Tonia has been featured on CTV, the Costco Connection, The Elephant Journal, Conscious Nutrition, The Autoimmune Simplified Podcast, the Better Sex Podcast, Creative Conversations, and the New Generation Entrepreneur Podcast. She is an executive contributor at Brainz Magazine writing monthly articles.
When she's not transforming lives she is getting lost (and found) in the forest, salsa dancing and teaching, and turning paper into pretty things.
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