with MIND-BODY Coaching & Healing

Tonia Winchester Coaching

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(778) 743-1277

Stuck in a rut?

Circling the drain?

Down deep in a pit?

Hitting your head against a wall?

Bearing a big burden you can’t put down?

Not sure which path to take?


Life can be full of twists and turns, obstacles, disappointments, wounds, rules, containers, bindings, and other notions that seem to keep us stuck.

And this means you're not going anywhere and you're not sure why. You feel like you've tried all.the.things and yet you're still not making any progress.

And it's not like you want a lot. I mean, maybe you just want to be happy or have enough energy at the end of the day to be present with your kids and/or spend quality time with your partner.

Maybe you want more than these simple pleasures and that's fine too. But it doesn't matter how much you want it and how hard you try you just can't seem to get there - to the other side of your problems - whether they be in your health, life, relationships, or career.

Why do we get and stay and stuck in these same old patterns? Sometimes what we need is a change in perspective or position which can be really hard to get if we don't even know what we're facing or what's got us all turned around and stuck in the first place.

Hey! I'm Dr./ Coach Tonia

I'm Naturopathic Doctor &


I love using mind-body healing tools to help people transform their health and lives from the inside out.

With simple, gentle guided experiences, I help people SHIFT their perspectives and positions so that they can put their best foot forward, take their next best steps, and make progress towards what they want.

Excuse me.... what you want!

You can SHIFT neurologically, energetically, mentally.

These shifts can filter down to all levels of the body and out to all areas of your life.

I'm Wondering... What brought YOU here?

What are you bumping up against?

Or maybe it's not that you're bumping up against something, but that you're being held back by something? Like you're all bound up.

Maybe you're in a rut? Or in a hole?

Feeling like you're tumbling down a hill, faster than your legs can carry you.

Maybe you're overwhelmed by responsibilities, obligations, or other burdens that you've been carrying.

Perhaps there's this epic and constant search for the person who is going to help you reach enlightenment.

Maybe you've been hurt, or you have the sense what you're putting out there isn't what people are looking for.

Or maybe it's that you're just not getting what you want from the people around you.

Perhaps you're anxious that things are going to change, or stay the same. That people are looking down on you.

There are lots of reasons people choose to do this work.


How Do I Know if a SHIFT Mind-Body Healing Session is Right For Me?

If you're stuck in any health or life scenario and you don't know:

  • the reason for the problem or why you're stuck, or

  • how to make progress, or

  • how to overcome it or get over it, or

  • how to get through it, or

  • how to go about it, or

  • how to let it go, or

  • how to change your perspective, or

  • how to put it down, or

  • how to be in to a new position, or

  • how to grow out of it...

    ...Then a SHIFT session is exactly what you're looking for.

What Happens in the Sessions?

I will be asking you questions about what your experience of your problems is like.

I'm not concerned with the details of the problem. In that way this work is content free. It is NOT TALK THERAPY.

I only need to know a brief overview to be able to help you get unstuck.

We'll be having a rather casual conversation where we'll be getting right to the core of it, straight away. I'll ask you for certain details of what your experience is like, and guide you through simple exercises to facilitate communication and understanding between your conscious and unconscious minds, both of which until this point might not have been working well together.

I'm not going to claim I know what you need to be doing in your health and your life. Even after almost 20 years in practice as a naturopathic doctor, I know that everyone and every situation is totally unique.

And aren't we all sick of advice anyways?

Also, we don't need more information. Instead we need transformation and liberation from our old patterns.

So I won't be giving you advice, or telling you how to live your life.

I'll be inviting you to explore different scenarios which will allow you to easily change your perspectives and positions. You'll gain insights and discover new options that you previously didn't know were available to you.

We will also likely laugh, and have moments where we pause and go, "Hmm... I never thought of it like that before."

This is where the transformation and liberation happens.

I'm Sure I Want This. What's the Cost and How Do I Sign Up?

I'm soooo stoked that you're interested in a SHIFT Mind-Body Healing Session.

All sessions are 75 minutes long.

You can book a single session here ($265):

Or you can book a package of 4 sessions for $960 and save $100 here:

Can I Use My Extended Benefits Health Plan For This?

There are two answers to this question.

YES: This is possible if you meet all of the following criteria:

  1. If you live in British Columbia

  2. You've been a naturopathic patient with me before

  3. We've had a naturopathic consult with in the past year.

If you can say yes to all of the above, then you can likely get reimbursed for your payment. Whether you do or not is not up to me, and we can talk more about this at your sessions.

NO: Unfortunately if you don't meet the criteria above:

It's unlikely you'll be able to claim it under your health plan.

If I Sign Up for ONE SHIFT Session, and I like It, Can I Upgrade to the Package?

Yes! We can upgrade you before you book your second session.

Reach out to us at 778-743-1277 or connect via the chat widget on this screen and we'll provide you a special coupon and booking link to save $100 on the next three sessions.

If you've already had two sessions then you can always buy a 4 session package at the normal rate ($100 savings).

Are the Sessions via VIDEO or IN PERSON?


The preference is video because I'm happy to be able to help people from all over the world as a Mind-Body Healing Coach.

However if you are local to the Central Vancouver Island region, we can meet in person at my office in Nanaimo.

Use this link to book and please put in the appointment description this is a SHIFT session.

You're wondering... what brought me here?

It was a series of limitations that I kept bumping up against.

I've been in practice as a Naturopathic Doctor since 2007. I came to naturopathic medicine because I was a really sick kid and became disenchanted with the options that western medicine had for treating me and my mysterious illnesses. READ: they didn't have any options for me.

First bump! They didn't have the answers I was looking for.

Enter naturopathic medicine. This wholistic, individualized, and nature-based approach to healing filled in a lot of the gaps for me. It's tenants are the core, driving-philosophy of my health and how I live my life. (For a quick run down check out the slide deck towards the bottom of this page.)

Naturopathic medicine is a lifestyle medicine and it works when we work it. But that's what was tricky. People - the patients I worked with - would come back to me telling me how hard it was to do the things they knew they needed to do to take care of themselves. This was not an information problem. This was a decision making problem.

Second bump! They had a hard time changing their habits.

And because of this they wouldn't let the power of a healthy lifestyle (aka naturopathic medicine) and their innate healing ability work for them. So they stayed stuck with pain, fatigue, poor sleep, hormone imbalances, digestive dysregulation, and immune deficiencies, etc.

I will admit... I did not love this as a practitioner.

And I couldn't help but wonder... what was going on? Why is this so hard?

Oh! I should mention if you're more keen to listen than read... I share this story of discovery on this podcast (4:26 in):

Enter Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

This body of knowledge (including a set of gentle, relaxing imagination-based techniques) was very helpful for this decision making problem that I noticed my patients were having a hard time with. I discovered that often underlying these blocks to self care were old unprocessed negative emotions, unhealed traumatic events, and limiting beliefs around worthiness or self-acceptance.

For me as a patient, when I cleared these things from my past and my unconscious (body) mind, tremendous changes took place in my physical body. I promptly and easily went back into healing mode and released 50 pounds of stress-related weight gain, healed a lifetime of inebriating period pain, and dramatically improved my sleep duration and quality. WOAH.

Marrying the tenants of naturopathic medicine with the healing techniques of NLP created powerful changes. And not just for me! Clients were getting similar benefits. But something was still missing.

Third Bump! There was the odd time that what was helpful for most was ineffective for some.

I’m not a fan of these types of mysteries. Why were some people going through the same transformative process and not getting the transformation that they were seeking long term? 

Why were they going back to old habits of junk food eating, not exercising, staying up too late, lingering in relationships and situations that were stressful, unhappy, or uncomfortable? 

Essentially I’d been wondering why are people - myself included - engaging in behaviors and habits that are making them sick or preventing them from healing? Still? Again? WHY???? 

Excuse me, my passion is showing.

Recognizing these two powerful healing systems (naturopathic medicine and NLP) alone or in concert don’t work for everyone, it begged the questions, is there something that will fill in the gaps? 

Each of these systems operate from a specific set of different assumptions, as does any healing modality. Naturopathic medicine assumes that every organism has an innate ability to heal. NLP assume that the system is like a computer, a processor and storage facility.

Consciously or unconsciously, if the set of assumptions doesn’t match the client's set there’s a mismatch which lends only short-term results at best. 

What if the practitioner made no assumptions about the person, their healing model, or their expectations, and just met them exactly where they are, respecting how they’ve internally structured their own problem? 

Because this is something we all do, but we don't know we're doing it. We all have an personal way of structuring our schtuff. And once we know how we structure it, we can gain new perspectives, assume new positions, explore what's left for us, and the right way to go. We can lighten up, grow up and out of patterns, change our attitude, make progress, move forward, increase our understanding, and feel the the support from what's backing us up.

Enter SHIFT.

I'm not going to pretend like I invented this new way of working with people who are stuck and want to get moving.

I can't even say I found it. It found me. For real though… how did this PDF show up on my laptop?

How ever it got there it sealed up the cracks. Filled in the gaps. Dismantled what I was bumping up against.

This is a refreshingly, powerful, effective way of doing change work, no matter where you're starting from or where your beliefs lie.  

The healing potential here is immense. For physical stuff? Maybe. But the deep and prevalent life stuff? Definitely.

Because this work respectfully meets you exactly where you're at, it brilliantly integrates the conscious and unconscious mind so that they're working cohesively.

I know I'm being vague, and when it comes to this process there is a bit of magic in the mystery.

I'll share a real life example. One of my major mostly life long vices, bad habits, that causes a lot of guilt, shame and problems in my life, is gone after doing this work. GONE. Like don't care. Don't want it. Never think about it. Get turned OFF by it. WOAH.

So if you’re feeling stuck in the same problems or repeating patterns, I invite you to take this opportunity to SHIFT the underlying structure of these problematic patterns.

Am I asking you to trust me? Sort of. I mean... we might've just met, and I know that trust builds over time.

More so I’m asking you to trust yourself.

If there is any part of you that perked up reading any of what I’ve shared then heed that little voice nudging you

And Book Your Sessions Now!

The Main Ideas of Naturopathic Medicine:

I help every day folks to Shift their Perspective and Position So that they can get unstuck and start moving forwards in their lives!

My clients are people stuck in the burn out or insomnia cycle, suffering from anxiety, stress, and insomnia. After working with me they can calm their minds, sleep soundly, and find their joy again - all with out talk therapy or medications.


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