Any of this Look or Sound Good to you?

(Aka... What do you get from a Breakthrough?)

Tonia Winchester Coaching

Need Help? Call or text us at

(778) 743-1277

You've read about what a Breakthrough is.

You've Heard About What You and I Actually Do In A Breakthrough.

And you're wondering, "Yeah, but... what do I actually GET after a breakthrough?

There Are SO Many Incredible Benefits That Come Out Of A Breakthrough.

By clearing the painful imprints of the past, specifically by releasing traumas, negative past unresolved emotional experiences and emotions, and limiting beliefs and decisions, people no longer access old, (previously) automatic, emotional responses.

People – YOU – have space to pause and choose a new way of responding to any situation.

This is the ULTIMATE benefit:

the ability to choose again and choose differently.

When we clear the past you literally see and experience the world differently. You get to reclaim the driver’s seat of your life. No longer are you the victim and at the mercy of everyone else’s behaviors and whatever the world throws at you, but you get at what we call, “Cause,” where you are responsible for your own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and results. This is both empowering and relieving.

Imagine What Your Life Would Be Like If You Reclaimed Authorship Of It?

You get a new internal narrative that is aligned to who you are and who you want to be.

You think positive thoughts and you believe new helpful and self-affirming things vs limiting things that hold you back.

You gain a desire to take care of your self and the non-negotiable ability to do so.

You become so clear about what’s important to you and what you’re creating in your life as a result. Clarity is an undervalued currency, isn’t it? Imagine you want to bake a cake but you don’t know what ingredients to put in or how to bake if. If you don’t have that clarity, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be making a very delicious cake. If you don’t know what you want, how can you possibly get there? A breakthrough allows you to become lucid in your life purpose and your driving values.

You secure the capacity to fully commit to your goals and follow through on your desires.

A breakthrough resolves unresolved pain from the past and because you are no longer acting from your pain body, you can easily choose a new way of being particularly in relationships, which improve dramatically – including how you parent if you are one. This is a powerful ripple effect and legacy of creating a more empowered, emotionally intelligent next generation gets me incredibly jazzed up.

Your Life Becomes Lighter, Safer, Easier, More Fun.

You Smile More.

Yes! Smiling more. This might seem like a teeny, tiny thing but is actually one of my favourite things that I get to hear about from my clients. A small marker of massive transformation. This actually one of my favourite testimonials; a client emailed me,

“By the way, my husband said to me in the shower this morning, ‘What is up? You are smiling.’ I made a comment about that and he told me that I never smile in the morning. I had no idea why I was smiling, but woot woot!”

– Sophia F.

Another similar one: “My [adult] daughter said to me, ‘Mom, you’re happier!’”

This same woman who had been carrying sexual trauma from a young age told me, “I was watching the news about a sexual criminal and I didn’t get sucked back into my own old experience. It was two days later that I thought, ‘Wow! I didn’t go back there automatically!.”

– JF

The Following Are True Benefits, Results, And Outcomes That I've Personally Experienced and I've Witnessed Time And Time Again In My Clients


You stand up for yourself, setting boundaries, expressing your needs.

You get your needs met while will being kind, understanding, and generous to others.

You de-automate and disconnect from previous triggers so you’re not acting on auto-pilot anymore.

You get to choose your responses and behaviors with conscious intention.

This leads to a positive impact on so many life areas: your health, relationships, and career.

You laugh. A lot.


Ultimately everything else falls into place when you have satisfying and fulfilling relationships, doesn’t it?

You have good, deep, honest, joyful, fun and kind connections.

You listen compassionately and curiously and you express yourself authentically.

You’re strong, open, peaceful, engaged, calm, present, and happy.

You’re a better, more conscious partner and parent - curious, patient.

You’re roll-modeling the heck out of life. Your kids are well-adjusted because of how you SHOW them how to take care of themselves


You get massive daytime energy all damn day long – even after work.

People tend not to believe me until they try it.

You regain vitality because a breakthrough stops the cycle of overthinking, stress, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, burnout, and irritability by calming the nervous system down.

You spend less energy on what doesn’t matter, freeing you up to have more energy for what does matter to you.

Anxiety fades, sleep deepens, day-time joy and energy increase massively.


What does it mean to be at cause?

This means that you are in charge of your thoughts, focus, feelings, behaviors, responses and results.

Being at cause means that you’re responsible for how YOU feel, and you don’t need to carry the weight of everyone else’s feelings.

You’re empowered, in action mode.

You get back in the driver’s seat of your own life.

You also get to interpret events - and the (stupid) things people do - any way you want.


After a breakthrough kindness becomes the norm. You stop putting your muck on others and brush it off when people put their guck on you.

Isn’t kindness just the best?

You’re more kind to yourself and those you love. Heck, even those you don’t love. There is less bullying.

Less judgement.

You learn key things about yourself and how others see the world that allows you to be understanding of others. You hear. You’re heard.

Healed people heal people.


What if your thoughts were sweeter? What would they say?

You gain ways of quickly springing out of your muck.

You're neurologically primed for positivity and also you get sooooo many tools to change your state in a heart beat.

You let go of old stories and limiting beliefs and choose new narratives that match the person you want to be.

You access deep core states like inner peace, wholeness, oneness, love and joy easily and effortlessly.


Imagine. You: calm, focused, peaceful, happy.

You’re head is on straight. 😆

But seriously, you face the right direction, focused on what’s good, what’s working, and where you’re going (not where you’ve been).

You're centered, steady, balanced, patient, vibrant.

You enjoy vitality, satisfaction, confidence.

You're powerful, courageous, worthy, loved, enough, valuable.

These things are true for you now.

Your integrity is so sharp that you could cut your broccoli with it.


You bounce back, more quickly and seamlessly than you ever have - at least in quite a while.

Where things used to bog you down, you now rise up, quickly and change your thoughts, adjust your posture, and act differently.

You overcome challenges gracefully.

Renewed strength.

Even when poop hits the fan (because it will) you get out of it in a different way, with less strife and rumination.

Just forward motion and learnings.

A client said, “I’m prepared for this current season of challenge because of my breakthrough.”


The world is noticing your changes.

Motivation is your middle name. You ooze positivity and optimism.

You have time for things that matter to you.

You trust yourself, others, life, the process.

You go with the flow, feathers never ruffling.

You solve problems like a pro because you’re reconnected to your internal resources.

You even (re)start creative hobbies.

One client said, “I feel like my self again.


Even though we work in one life area, there is a positive prosperous ripple effect to all areas of your life: your health, relationships, and community.

You make your mark and a real big difference.

This is about growing. Evolving. Walking a path to excellence.

Physical benefits include: weight release, less pain, better sleep, healed guts, skin, balanced hormones.

Every time someone does a breakthrough an angel gets her wings. 👼🤣.

The world, not just YOUR world is a better place when people do this work.


Your plans are in motion. Your future compels you.

You live your life to the fullest, with focus, motivation, drive.

You wake up and you get at it. You get it done.

You’re so clear, and you’re moving towards your goals with ease.

Each day, step by step, you’re arriving.

You’re consistent and disciplined with your time and energy.

You know exactly what to do and you accomplish everything you have your heart set on.


Rubber meets the road. You're sticking with your new positive, health-promoting habits, committed like never before.

You even make it past that 3rd day where you previously would've quit.

Your new results motivate you like crazy.

You're doing the things to love and take care of yourself that you've knowing you "should" do for years. Every day.

You're inspiring people. They're asking, "What are you doing?"

They want transformation too.


Yourself Waking Up With Energy And Excitement For The Day Ahead.

You just woke from another restful, deep, restorative sleep. Your mind is calm and your body feels peaceful. You’re looking forward to another great day and you’re motivated to put your feet on the floor and get going.

You spend the day happy and centred, cooly setting boundaries and expressing your needs. You maintain your vibrancy and vitality as the day progresses and actually it feels like it increases.

You stay centred and present even when things heat up at work. Your boss pulls you aside and lets you know how important you are to the team and she’s super impressed with your focus and accomplishments lately.

When you get home you’re so delighted to spend quality-time playing with your kids, who are listening more and being kinder to one another because you’re being the conscious parent and role model you want to be.

You’ve been feeling so close to and passionate with your partner, like those early days when you were starting to date. They even comment, “I’ve been seeing you smile so much lately, it’s so nice to see you so happy.”

You fall asleep easily with joy in your heart knowing you’re really being your best, most authentic self in your relationships and you’re making a difference in your family, workplace and your community.

You feel clear about what you want, where you’re going and how you’re going to get there. You’re building new habits easily and effortlessly. You’re rediscovering your creativity, power, and wholeness.

You’re fulfilled, finally having fun living YOUR life, feeling like yourself (again) and finding deep satisfaction in every second of it.

Can you picture it?

If not that’s totally cool. A breakthrough can help you get there. Lets chat.

If you're ready to breakthrough your anxiety, burnout, insomnia now, then click the button below to book a chat with me or my team.

Want or Need More Info Before You Book Your Call 🙋‍♀️?


Yeah... but what do I actually GET? What are the benefits?

I have a whole page dedicated for that. CLICK HERE.

Buuuut... How Does It Actually Work?

I'm loving these questions. I have a brain that loves info. I put all that on it's own page. CLICK HERE.

How Do I Know if a Break Through is Right For Me?

You're struggling with any of the negative states I mentioned above, or others that I didn't.

You feel like you're doing everything right but still can't seem to calm your busy mind, sleep through the night consistently, release the tension you're holding, or maintain any semblance of energy to get through the day

You know what you SHOULD be doing, but just can't seem to get those healthy habits in place.

And really... don't take it from me... check out all my happy clients' testimonials. CLICK HERE.

I'm Pretty Sure I Want This. How Do I Sign Up?

I'm soooo stoked that you're interested in a Mind-Body Healing Breakthrough. And I'll be honest. I'm selective about who I take on as clients because I'm not a fit for everyone, and not everyone is a fit for me or my work. Thank goodness for that clarity. I'm looking for specific things in a client and I hope you're looking for specific things in a coach. So... your next best step is to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL BY CLICKING HERE. We'll chat 💗 to 💗and discover if where you're at and what you're wanting is a match for how I love to help and provide value.

I've Got To Know... How Much Is It?

I don't post the Mind-Body Healing Breakthrough Investment online.

Why? Because it changes over time.

Why else? Because I have a couple of options for different situations and frankly I need to know about what your goals are before we can decide on the best package for you.

Ballpark? The typical 3-month coaching, transforming, healing, accountability and supporting process is a 4 figure investment.

Let's chat to discuss the options. Book your discovery call here.

I help every day folks to release the painful imprint of the past and create exceptional lives!

My clients are people stuck in the burn out or insomnia cycle, suffering from anxiety, stress, and insomnia. After working with me they can calm their minds, sleep soundly, and find their joy again - all with out talk therapy or medications.


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