(previously: Transform PAIN)


Tonia Winchester Coaching

Need Help? Call or text us at

(778) 743-1277

Did you know that neurons that code for emotional and physical pain are located in the same are of the brain?

These two types of pains

must be addressed together Simultaneously

for lasting ease and improved mobility.


That's exactly what this program does!

Your Unconscious Mind Is The Place Where All Change, Learning, Habits, And HEALING Happens.

Your Unconscious Mind Is This Incredible Part Of You That’s Quietly Running The Show Behind The Scenes.

It holds the answer to you living pain free!

This is your fast track to getting you back to the things in life that light you up...whether that be:

  • Spending time in nature doing your favorite activity

  • Socializing with your pals

  • Playing on the floor with your kiddos

  • Running after your grandkidlets

  • Getting active

  • Doing your favourite creative hobbie

  • Or just getting through the day with out groaning like an 98 year old man every time you move 😉

Here's what you get when you enroll:

  • SIX weekly, 90-minute sessions, one-on-one via Zoom (pj's totally allowed - and encouraged 😉 )

  • An intelligent and thoroughly guided system for reprogramming your past, present, & future so you're neurologically primed to be pain-free, and fine easy mobility in your body and mind.

  • Because the program is carefully crafted with a specific therapeutic order respecting how the body best heals and transforms, completing all 6 sessions is imperative to the success of the program.

  • SESSION 1 - Opening Survey & Assessment. Here we get crystal clear on where you’re at and what your goals are. I will be asking you questions you've never been asked before, specifically intended to help me plan your later sessions with the most efficiency.

  • SESSION 2 - Pain Paradigm. This session could take only 15 minutes or the full hour and a half. By the end of this process your pain has dropped from a 8-9-10/10 to a 0-1-2/10. You leave with ease and hope. Great change and healing is a head.

  • SESSION 3 - Clear the Big 5 Emotions. Next we use Timeline Therapy ® to re-code how your unconscious mind remembers “the Big 5” emotions: anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt. If there is time left we will also specific emotions related to your individual history.

  • SESSION 4 - Clear Past Events. Next we use a different clearing technique to change how your unconscious mind remembers specific negative or traumatic events from your past.

  • SESSION 5 - RECONNECT to POSITIVE EMOTIONS, CORE TRANSFORMATION, WHOLENESS WORK. After reconnecting 1-3 relevant positive emotions into your past, we invite integrating, healing, balancing, transforming of different parts with in you that could be connected to the problem you're experiencing. We primed the mind and body for healing, at deep, core levels.

  • SESSION 6 - MORE... and EXIT SURVEY. This final session addresses any residuals blocks or issues in the way of you overcoming your pain and living and moving about easily! We complete the same survey we did in session 1 to get a visual reflection of your transformation, confirming your progress!

  • *** NOTE *** These therapies are gentle, safe, relaxing, and even fun. See testimonial notes below to hear from past clients about their experience with these techniques. Particularly, "Nothing to be scared of!"

(NOTE: This TRANSFORM PAIN PROGRAM is a modified version of the MIND-BODY HEALING Coaching Breakthrough. Details about that here.)

People tell me that they are nervous to do this type of work, having not experienced it.

They are worried that they will have to relive their traumas of the past, or share gruesome details, or be retriggered mentally or emotionally.

I appreciate that concern, based on what you might have experienced with other therapists or counsellors.

The safety, comfort, and well-being of my clients is my top priority.

In this work none of that is necessary.

The client is guided to be dissociated and separated from the past. Also this MIND-BODY HEALING reprogramming work is content-free meaning that I as the practitioner often have no clue what the client is actually clearing with the techniques. This is amazing for you the client because you don't have to share your past pain... out loud... again...

I'm so relieved to be able to use a set of techniques that no longer requires people to feel it to heal it.

My clients are relieved too! You'll be surprised and delighted how easy it actually is.


The TRANSFORM PAIN PROGRAM is for you if you...

  • Are struggling with any type of persistent or chronic pain, particularly pain syndromes that don't seem to respond to traditional healing tools like chiropractic, massage, or physio.

  • Have been told that it's all in your head. 🤦‍♀️😠

  • Feel like you're doing everything right but still can't seem to overcome this pain problem.

  • Know what you SHOULD be doing to take care of yourself and heal, but just can't seem to get those healthy habits in place.

Past "Transform Pain" Clients Say:

Going through this process has DEFINITELY

helped me release a lot of pain!


Before I was really negative and had a negative outlook on my childhood.

I constantly fixated on my traumas. I would react to any situation (even small ones), being triggered by my past traumas.

Throughout this process, I’ve been able to work through it. I’m finding myself looking at happy moments versus the negative. I’m also asking questions about the parts of my childhood that were positive instead of just trying to ignore the negative.

Now I’m focusing on the positive parts.

I’m less triggered when I have conversations or when something happens. I’m more understanding and know that I can really control my own emotions and feelings. I’m finding myself asking more questions of other people.

In my life, especially these past three years, I’ve definitely had a lot of body pain (such as in my hips). Going through this process has definitely helped me release a lot of pain.

It’s also given me tools that I can use in the future when I do feel a little bit of tenseness and tightness, so that I can really release that pain.

Trust the process and be open to the clearing tools that Tonia shares because, even though it can be time consuming, it’s worth it to get the outcome – you feel results within a few sessions.

It's amazing how fast you can you can feel better within such a short period of time. You can put your mind to it, be open to the process, then you’re going to be achieving success. – TA

If you're ready to breakthrough your pain

and find ease and mobility in your body...

...then click the button below to book a chat with me or my team.

Want or Need More Info Before You Book Your Call 🙋‍♀️?


Yeah... but what do I actually GET? What are the benefits?

I have a whole page dedicated for that. CLICK HERE.

Buuuut... How Does It Actually Work?

I'm loving these questions. I have a brain that loves info. I put all that on it's own page. CLICK HERE.

How Do I Know if The Transform Pain is Right For Me?

You're struggling with any type of chronic or persistent pain, any the negative states I mentioned above, or others that I didn't...

You feel like you're doing everything right but still can't seem to ease your discomfort, move about your day free from pain, or do other things like calm your busy mind, sleep through the night consistently, release the tension you're holding, or maintain any semblance of energy to get through the day...

You tried other treatments, modalities, and therapies, and still you're waking up every day stiff, tired, sore, and uncomfortable.

You know what you SHOULD be doing, but just can't seem to get those healthy habits in place.

And really... don't take it from me... check out all my happy clients' testimonials. CLICK HERE.

I'm Pretty Sure I Want This How Do I Sign Up?

I'm soooo stoked that you're interested in a Brain-Based Breakthrough or the Transform Pain Program. And I'll be honest. I'm selective about who I take on as clients because I'm not a fit for everyone, and no everyone is a fit for me or my work. Thank goodness for that clarity. I'm looking for specific things in a client and I hope you're looking for specific things in a coach. So... your next best step is to BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL BY CLICKING HERE. We'll chat 💗 to 💗and discover if where you're at and what you're wanting is a match for how I love to help and provide value.

I've Got To Know... How Much Is It?

I don't post the MIND-BODY HEALING coaching Investments online.

Why? Because they change over time.

Why else? Because I have a couple of options for different situations and frankly I need to know about what your goals are before we can decide on the best package for you.

Ballpark? The typical 3-month coaching, transforming, healing, accountability and supporting process is a 4 figure investment.

Let's chat to discuss the options. Book your discovery call here.

I help every day folks to release the painful imprint of the past and create exceptional lives!

My clients are people stuck in the burn out or insomnia cycle, suffering from anxiety, stress, and insomnia. After working with me they can calm their minds, sleep soundly, and find their joy again - all with out talk therapy or medications.


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