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Positive Affirmations aren't your ticket to feeling good in your day to day.

Positive Affirmations Won't Give You Joy

February 13, 20236 min read

"So why then is it that you've tried changing your thoughts, you've tried positive affirmations, but you still feel unhappy and dissatisfied a lot of the time, and maybe even anxious?" - Tonia Winchester




Your positive affirmations won't give you the joy you're looking for.

I'm totally in tune with the notion that saying positive things to ourselves is going to be this magical gateway to this land of unequivocal joy and positivity.

But the problem is saying things like I'm joyful or I'm constantly in a happy mood are not going to get you the happiness that you're looking for.

It makes a lot of sense why we would think that. Just put a happy face on today, think good thoughts, and talk positively to yourself.

And if you're smoking those unicorn toots, then think of it this way.

A positive affirmation is like moving the rug or the furniture to cover up a stain on the floor. And maybe you've totally done that, like we'll just move this right over here. No one will notice, right? Like bingo bango bongo, problem solved, right?

Out of sight, out of mind, all of that jazz. But you know it's still there.

You know what's going on underneath that piece of furniture or that very cute rug. At best, it's covering up the problem and not solving it.

And this little home decor trick is no different than pasting happy thoughts all over your frustration, irritability, dissatisfaction, and lack of fulfillment.

We're given that message a lot, right? Just think about something else. Think happy thoughts. Why don't you try positive affirmations? It seems logical enough, right?

So why then is it that you've tried changing your thoughts, you've tried positive affirmations, but you still feel unhappy and dissatisfied a lot of the time, and maybe even anxious?

And if you've tried affirmations, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And it's kind of like they add insult to injury.

They can be aggravating because they're going against what you actually feel. And so now not only are you unhappy, but you're lying to yourself.

And I'm just thinking, come on now, there has to be a better way.

So how do you shift your emotional state once and for all?

And I say once and for all because there are ways of improving our mood short term. I mean if I had you stop watching this video right now and google cute puppies or whatever your favorite animal of choice is, most likely your emotional state would shift.

Now I don't want you to go do that because if you're here reading this article.

Likely that's because you want to feel happy and more joy. And you're looking for a more permanent solution, aren't you?

Well, you know, the first step is actually to realize that the cause of your unhappiness is not what you probably think it is.

It's not the parenting fights that you're having with your spouse. It's not the bullying coworker. It's not the micromanaging boss.

And it's not even the meddling passive-aggressive mother-in-law. Even these things seem to be triggering your unhappiness.

They're not actually what's behind it. It's kind of like when the oil light goes on in your car. It's not glaring at you from the dashboard just to be a nuisance. Just like these people are not the ones making you unhappy.

The oil light is on because either the oil is low or dirty. And it either needs to be topped up or changed. The thing that's in the way of you and your pursuit of happiness is likely an old subconscious belief that is telling you without your conscious awareness or consent that happiness is not on the table for you.

Just like the oil, that old belief needs to be topped up or changed so that you can reset yourself to the divine factory setting of happiness.

And you know what I mean because when you see babies their default is joy. So you have to look under the hood, pull out that dipstick, determine what needs to shift. Do you need to change the oil or do you need to just top it up?

Do you need to create new beliefs or simply just modify the ones that are already there?

Both of these things are 100% possible. And what I would challenge you to do after watching this video is really look at your life and dig in deeper to really figure out what is it that's actually causing your unhappiness.

You have to work at the subconscious level with the subconscious mind to really access the blocks that are preventing you from feeling the joy that you're looking for.

So going back to the rug analogy, if we just cover up the stain on the floor, we haven't actually fixed the problem, right?

Piling on positive statements and happy thoughts is not actually going to solve the problem.

If you want to keep pasting on a happy face and telling yourself that you're happy, that's fine. But please don't expect that your feelings are actually going to change and those changes are actually going to be real.

But if you're ready to clear what's in the way of your divine joyful expression once and for all... then good news...

And that’s exactly what I do. I help people to heal their old unconscious wounds so that they can find joy and energy in their day to day lives. YAYAY!

So if that looks, sounds or feels good to you, I'm letting you know I'm here to help.

There are two simple ways to work together.

1️⃣FIRST if you haven’t grab yourself a copy of:


Break through the insomnia cycle

What is a brain-based transformation breakthrough

2️⃣ SECOND: So if you’re needing any support to create new filters and new self care habits to help you reach your most desired goals... then I invite you to consider mind-body healing breakthrough.

This is where you’ll release the painful imprints of the past and go back into healing mode, easily able to create new habits and positive results in your health and life, then book a discovery call with me or my team.

We’ll spend 30 minutes helping you get very clear on what loops you’re wanting to close and where you’re wanting to go. If it’s a match I might invite you to enroll in a breakthrough and I’ll provide the easiest way to do that when we chat.


3️⃣ THIRD. If you're curious to learn more about OTHER ways of working together, Click the image below.

How to work with Dr. Coach Tonia Winchester

I very much look forward to connecting and in the meantime...

🧠💗💫May you choose to make all your dreams come true!

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Dr. Tonia Winchester, ND, NLP

Dr. Tonia Winchester is a naturopathic doctor and Master Neurolinguistic Programming Coach. She helps humans who are struggling with stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and insomnia, to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy, so that they can create exceptional lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. Grab your copy of her book: Break Through the Insomnia Cycle, The How to Sleep Deeply, Wake Rested and Enjoy Happy Energized Days.

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I help every day folks

release the painful imprint of the past, Shift their perspectives, create healthy habits so they can Enjoy exceptional lives!

My clients are people stuck in their health or lives with burnout, insomnia , anxiety, or stress. After working with me they can calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy again - all with out talk therapy or medications.



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