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Tonia Winchester Coaching

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master mind, master self care, become a master, beginner to master

How Are You Going To Master It?

April 12, 20236 min read

"I guide my clients to release the unconscious programs that are set to stuck, and insert programs that are set to, “Yes. I’m Ready. I want this. I can do this. I’m willing to do this. Let's GO." - Coach Tonia


LISTEN IN HERE (Podcast goes live Oct 31st):


READ: (Approximate Transcript)

“How are you going to master it?” I asked my dance student after he declared he was going to master what we were working on.

He deepened the crease between his brows so I clarified, “I’m not asking, ‘How are YOU going to master it?’ Implying that I don’t believe you can and will because I definitely believe you can and will.

"I’m asking, ‘HOW are you going to master it? What are you going to do differently to master it? What are you willing to change?”

Here he is, a beginner - which is perfect for where he is at - and there he wants to be, a master, a differently perfect state.

He intends to cross a bridge and it will take steps to do so; he simply can’t wish himself across.

He has to DO something differently from what he is doing now.

We can’t expect new results without taking new behaviors.

Practice is part of it. Being coachable is another.

And like many of my clients there might be something deeper going on.

What I’ve found after 16 years in the healing and helping profession is that people often want things to be different but have a hard time changing to make that happen.

They tell me eating their broccoli (or whatever the new health-supporting habit is that they KNOW will help them reach their goals) is hard.

Gosh this made me mad - like stomping around slamming doors and breaking dishes kinda mad.

Here these patients are paying me to show them exactly how to cross the bridge to get to that calmer mind, deeper sleeps, fitter body and they’re telling me that it’s too hard, too rickety, too precarious.

For years this led to a lot of dissatisfaction in my practice as a naturopathic doctor.


Until I realized... It is HARD!

To be clear, it’s not the act of taking care of ourselves that is hard. Eating broccoli is one of the simplest, most low reactive foods to enjoy when it is cooked properly.

It’s the decision to take care of ourselves that’s hard. It’s the decision to wake up in the morning and decide to change our behaviors that is hard.

Did I ever get obsessed with this moment in human psychology! Is it possible for change to be easy? If so, how so? What was I missing? Why can’t people prioritize themselves and their own well-being?

I set off on a quest and crossed a bridge of discovery. I found something that changes our ability to make new decisions and create new habits.

Now as a Master Practitioner in NeuroLinguistic Programming (aka Brain-Based Coaching) I’ve learned something crucial.

Our results are a reflection of our behaviors. Well… I knew that bit. Cause and effect and all that jazz.

Here’s what I found on the other side of the bridge:

Our behaviors are a reflection of our state.

Our state is a reflection of our focus.

And our focus is a reflection of our internal unconscious filters.


Eating the broccoli as an example of self care (others include getting to bed on time, hydrating properly, moving our bodies effectively, setting boundaries in our relationships, and communicating our needs and expressing ourselves authentically) is hard because of how someone is programmed at the unconscious level.

Of course they can’t consciously will themselves to change.

They’re not even aware of what is keeping them locked on Netflix or social media, their only exercise being to get up and open the bag of Doritos.


We can reverse engineer this neurological cascade. To change one’s results we first have to change their unconscious filters so that they can change their focus, their state, their behaviors… and finally their results.

And this is something we can do, easily and effortlessly with Mind-Body Healing.

Through simple, gentle and safe techniques, we can change our filters. I guide my clients to release the unconscious programs that are set to stuck, and insert programs that are set to, “Yes. I’m Ready. I want this. I can do this. I’m willing to do this. Let's GO.”

For some people reading this is enough for them to change immediately. They get their lightbulb. It clicks. They cross the bridge.

For others (most in fact) these programs - because of how unconscious they are - are running the show, driving behaviors and habits on autopilot.

So even if they now know what they want and how they will get there they can’t consciously override the old patterns and won’t cross the bridge. No matter how much they know what they should be doing.

And that’s exactly what I do.

I help people who are stuck in their health and lives to easily master their minds so they can move towards the results and outcomes they want.

This is my favourite way of working with people - me at my best. Using the tools of NLP helps me master being a Naturopathic Doctor. We’re getting to the root cause of why you’ve never crossed that darn bridge even though you’ve wanted to for so long. 

I’m actively searching for people who are ready to be the type of person who wants things to be different and are willing to change to get there. Folks who are looking for a simple and swift way for change to be easy and good things to come into their health and life as result. To master for example, self care to create healthy habits to move towards a specific wellness goal, or communicating to deepen and calm your relationships.

So if you're the type of person who is sick of stress or anxiety, being stuck in your health and life, knowing what to do, but not doing it, and really are ready to cross the bridge from beginner to master of your own well-being then your first best step could be to by my book:

Breakthrough Burnout and Create Happy Energized Days

I'm letting you know I'm here to help.

There are two simple ways to work together.

1️⃣FIRST if you haven’t grab yourself a copy of:


What is a brain-based transformation breakthrough

2️⃣ SECOND: So if you’re needing any support to create new filters and new self care habits to help you reach your most desired goals... then I invite you to consider mind-body healing breakthrough.

This is where you’ll release the painful imprints of the past and go back into healing mode, easily able to create new habits and positive results in your health and life, then book a discovery call with me or my team.

We’ll spend 30 minutes helping you get very clear on what loops you’re wanting to close and where you’re wanting to go. If it’s a match I might invite you to enroll in a breakthrough and I’ll provide the easiest way to do that when we chat.


3️⃣ THIRD. If you're curious to learn more about OTHER ways of working together, Click the image below.

8 Reasons

I very much look forward to connecting and in the meantime...

🧠💗💫May you choose to make all your dreams come true!

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Dr. Tonia Winchester, ND, NLP

Dr. Tonia Winchester is a naturopathic doctor and Master Neurolinguistic Programming Coach. She helps humans who are struggling with stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and insomnia, to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy, so that they can create exceptional lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. Grab your copy of her book: Break Through the Insomnia Cycle, The How to Sleep Deeply, Wake Rested and Enjoy Happy Energized Days.

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I help every day folks

release the painful imprint of the past, Shift their perspectives, create healthy habits so they can Enjoy exceptional lives!

My clients are people stuck in their health or lives with burnout, insomnia , anxiety, or stress. After working with me they can calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy again - all with out talk therapy or medications.



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