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3 Myths About Exercise That Are Keeping You Overweight

3 Myths About Exercise That Are Keeping You Overweight

October 15, 20248 min read

"This is very empowering, and I have choice, and so do you. These things don't take long to figure out. Spend 20 days, find out and give yourself an opportunity to make adult choices, instead of not having a clue about the consequences, or wondering about the consequences, just find out." - Dr. Tonia Winchester

It’s hard, isn’t it? Hard to sift through all the information out there - especially when it comes to your health?

What's good? What's not good?

What's right? What's not right?

What's helpful? What’s not helpful?

In the age of information, it can be completely overwhelming to find out what's actually good and true and that's because what's good and true is going to be quite different for most people.

However, there are some common mistakes that people make when it comes to their health and today I'm speaking specifically about exercise and activity in this episode.

DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute a therapeutic relationship and is not in any way, shape, or form designed or intended  to be therapeutic, clinical, or medical advice.





If you'd prefer to read an approximate transcript scroll to the bottom of this post.

LINKS/ SHOW NOTES (for blog post): 


EPISODE 3 -  How my body finally decided to lose weight

EPISODE 20 - The Simple Trick To Get Anything You Want

EPISODE 39 - Doing Your Future Self All Of the Solids

EPISODE 40 - What if that one problematic thing was just gone?

EPISODE 44 - Choosing sustainability over discomfort



SHIFT session

LIFT session

3 month Breakthrough


BOOK: The Metabolism Plan By Lyn-Genet Recitas

Gillette CA, Bullough RC, Melby CL. Postexercise energy expenditure in response to acute aerobic or resistive exercise. Int J Sport Nutr. 1994 Dec;4(4):347-60. doi: 10.1123/ijsn.4.4.347. PMID: 7874151.


🧠💗💫Thanks for wondering with me today. If you got something good out of this then please forward this episode to people who you know could benefit.

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🙏Thank you in advance for that. If you're wanting more insights about how you can leverage the power of your unconscious mind to go back into healing mode head on over to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ where you can find my book: Break Through The Insomnia Cycle and other helpful ideas.

👏Thanks again and we'll connect on the next episode of the Wonder With Me.

In the mean time may you choose to make all your dreams come true.

🧠💗💫 Dr. Tonia Winchester, ND, NLP

Naturopathic DoctorMind-Body Healing Coach

Author: ⁠Break Through The Insomnia Cycle⁠⁠⁠⁠

Author: ⁠⁠Thinking Kindly⁠


➕For more post and podcasts head to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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🎵INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC: West My Friend   


Myths About Exercise and Weight Loss

Hey there! Welcome back to another episode of the Wonder With Me podcast. I'm your hostess, Dr. and Coach Tonia Winchester. This is where we take small life moments and turn them into big life lessons. This is episode number 48: Three Myths About Exercise That Are Likely Keeping You Overweight.

Isn't it hard to sift through all the information out there? What's good, what's not good, what's right, what's wrong, what's helpful, and what's not when it comes to our health and bodies? In this age of information, it can be overwhelming to find what's actually good and true because it varies for many people. However, there are common mistakes people make regarding their health that we can easily sort out today. Specifically, I'm talking about exercise and activity here.

With all that said, let's get into it. Let's get wondering. Recently, more often than I can count, people comment on my physical body because it's a lot smaller than it used to be. I've shared this story many times. I'll link up some previous podcast episodes if you want the full scoop. The main one is episode number three, and there are others that link back to this.

The most common thing I hear is, Wow, you're looking great. They ask what I'm doing. I share what I did—got the trauma out of my body and developed good habits. Then they say, All the dancing you're doing must be keeping you really fit. I shake my head; they look at me like I'm crazy and say, Dance is mostly just standing around. They get even more confused because dancing isn't standing around—dancing is dancing.

But at the level I dance at, particularly in salsa and an Angolan dance called Kizomba, it's mostly me and my partner standing around figuring things out. It's mostly standing around or watching videos or analyzing our own videos. From time to time, it's more active but not enough to contribute significantly to my fitness.

Now, two to three times a month, I go to social dances where I dance almost nonstop for three to four hours with different partners. Even that doesn't contribute much to my fitness because long extended cardio has interesting physiological impacts that I'll discuss shortly.

So if we take these activities—mostly standing around watching videos, analyzing videos, trying things out during dance practice—and occasional extended cardio dance sessions, that's not what keeps my body fit. People say dancing helps me lose weight; I shake my head.

How I eat plays a big role—probably the biggest role—but I also do a lot of weight-bearing exercises: push-ups, squats, burpees, lunges using free weights in my home studio three times a week for 17 minutes each session. Science shows us that the cardio-dependent days of the '80s and '90s aren't valuable for most people's physiologies anymore.

When we stop focusing on calories burned during workouts or consumed through food and start focusing on how we can shift our hormones through the right activities and foods, metabolism improves, leading to weight loss and leaner body compositions. That's why I love the metabolism plan as an eating program—it changes your biochemistry so your system goes back into healing mode.

It reduces inflammation so your hormones can balance—thyroid hormones primarily but also stress hormones like cortisol and others like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin. When eating reactive foods causes inflammation in the body, thyroid function shuts down while stress hormones go up. This means insulin levels rise too, leading to insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

When we discover which foods are reactive for us and eliminate them from our diet so inflammation decreases, hormonal healing happens. Lyn-Genet Recitas has figured out how to use objective points of measurement (like weight on the scale and basal body temperature) within 24 hours to determine if a food or activity suits us.

This brings us to the first myth about exercise: Long bouts of steady-state cardio aren't the way to a healthy body for most people because they increase stress hormones after 20-30 minutes of running or biking or swimming—they act as stressors that shut down metabolism and increase inflammation in the body.

People who do wrong forms of exercise for their physiology often see their basal body temperatures drop in the morning—their baseline temperature upon rising—which tells us how thyroid function responds based on what was done or not done the day before.

So myth number one is that cardio is likely not the way to get a fit body if that's what you want. Myth number two is it doesn't need to take a long time—often much less than people think—which frees up time too.

A study showed participants doing either steady-state cardio activities or weight resistance-based training saw metabolic markers measured right after workouts as well as 24-48 hours later—the group working with weights saw over 50% increased metabolic activity two days later versus immediate post-exercise increase for cardio group only.

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could do less but get better benefits? This means exercising hormonally rather than focusing on calories burnt alone.

Myth number one: Cardio isn't likely the way.

Myth number two: It doesn't need much time.

Myth number three: It doesn't need daily effort—less can be more both ways!

To know more about this topic (including salsa dancing), check Lyn-Genet Recitas' book The Metabolism Plan—it teaches how exactly through her book! Going back briefly on salsa dancing—I tested my salsa (not sauce since I'm allergic), discovered weight went up next day while basal temperature dropped indicating increased inflammation/metabolism drop after any salsa session over 30 minutes!

Dance isn't keeping me fit but might work differently for others—I'm sharing my experience/data gathered showing physical impact yet balancing heart/mind needs since dancing remains favorite activity despite knowing its inflammatory effects physically!

So making adult choices consciously/intentionally by buffering effects via low reactive foods/rest/hydration helps mitigate consequences while enjoying beloved activities like dance!

If stuck with stubborn weight/low energy/cravings/mood swings/disrupted sleep—it might be due reactive foods/activities hindering healing process—spend few days figuring out then make informed choices!


1) Steady-state cardio isn't optimal health route.

2) Focus shifts from calorie counting towards hormonal changes via right foods/activities.

3) Less time spent exercising yields better results sometimes!

Hope this helps clarify curiosity/questions about what's good/right/helpful individually yet providing guidelines/info assessing personally via weight/basal temperature measures detailed further in The Metabolism Plan book!

Regain control over mysterious patterns hindering progress by shifting internal thinking/feeling enabling easier healthy habits creating desired health/life results! Ending episode here—thanks for listening! Looking forward connecting next Wonder With Me podcast episode meanwhile may all dreams come true!

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Dr. Tonia Winchester, ND, NLP

Dr. Tonia Winchester is a naturopathic doctor and Master Neurolinguistic Programming Coach. She helps humans who are struggling with stress, overwhelm, anxiety, and insomnia, to calm their minds, sleep deeply, and find joy and energy, so that they can create exceptional lives for themselves, their families, and their communities. Grab your copy of her book: Break Through the Insomnia Cycle, The How to Sleep Deeply, Wake Rested and Enjoy Happy Energized Days.

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